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Ariel Publishing, LLC is an author-friendly Publisher founded in 2020. We are passionate about helping writers from all walks of life reach their creative dreams and achieve literary success.
From time to time, we like to give you a prompt to inspire you to create something new. 
Take a look below!

Challenge: Text

Picture Writing Prompt Challenge

Art by Jack Bordnick

Are you up for this challenge? Inspired by this art piece, write a short (up to 500 words) or a poem (up to 4 pages) micro-fiction.

Challenge: Welcome


The term ekphrastic originates from a Greek expression for description. Ekphrastic poetry and prose is an interesting art form that builds on an existing or imaginary art piece (sculpture, painting, drawing, or other form of visual art.)


  1. Copy and paste your story or poem below and include your name, email address, and Trans Id of your payment at the bottom. OR email your ekphrastic response to the art piece to us in the body of the email.

  2. Send payment to ($7)

  3. If there are any issues, please email us. You can also submit via Submittable when the submission call is open.

Thank you and good luck!

Challenge: About

Send us your Ekphrastic Micro-Fiction or Poetry in response to the Challenge

Submit your response after making the payment via PayPal (see info above)




Thanks for your feedback!

Challenge: Feedback Form
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