Ariel Publishing, LLC
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Our Authors
Spanning the Literary Spectrum

David Rojas
Poetry & Prose
David Rojas was born in Colombia and grew up in the United States. Presently he is learning how to reside at the moment. In previous incarnations, he dabbled in engineering and management in the state of Florida. For the last two years, he has been traveling; he can currently be found in Jaipur, India eating samosas for fun. He types words sometimes, too.

E. Izabelle Cassandra Alexander
Poetry, Prose, Art
E. Izabelle Cassandra Alexander was born and raised in a little village in Hungary. She first lived in New York after immigrating to the US where she received her Bachelor's in Information Systems Summa Cum Laude. Now she resides in Des Plaines, Illinois, where she completed her MBA in business, but her heart was always in writing so she attended numerous writing classes and conferences over the years. She writes short stories, creative nonfiction essays, flash fiction, plays, and poetry, currently working on a few novels and a series of children's books along with illustrations.

Micah McGurk
Poetry & Prose
Micah McGurk is a writer from Kentucky. He studied screenwriting at UCLA and has an MFA from EKU. He works as a script doctor and ghostwriter for a handful of directors and producers. He has two novellas, Crimson 37 and Boom Girl, both of which are available on Amazon. He also has a short story entitled My Face Knows Winter at the literary zine Prometheus Dreaming.

Dee Pei Hui
Dee Pei Hui is a young poet who loves spoken word poetry and prose poetry and often likes to express herself in her own writing on Instagram at www.instagram.com/peihuipoets. She is in love with love itself, which is why she is currently working on a romance novel which you may read here: https://www.inkitt.com/stories/romance/436535. She is an oddball who appreciates both coffee and tea, and both cats and dogs. Days spent reading in bed is a lovely pastime of hers. She is still trying to put one foot in front of the other, and needs nothing more than a little love, support and appreciation.

David Leo Sirois
David Leo Sirois is a Canadian-American poet who wrote & performed in Paris for 7 years. His work has been published in 4 countries (USA, France, England, & the Czech Republic) in several languages. Poems have appeared in journals such as The Poetry Village, The Sunday Tribune Online, The Opiate, Silo, Those That This, THE BASTILLE, Belleville Park Pages, Paris Lit Up, & Terre à Ciel (which also published his translations from the French of Paul Valéry & others). Altogether, he has published 82 pieces, including his work in The Keystone Anthology (Guildford, England), & the anthologies Vignettes & Postcards from Paris, & Becoming Fire: Spiritual Writing from Rising Generations (Boston). He is currently submitting two manuscripts for publication.

Luna Mac-Williams
Poetry & Prose
Luna Dragon Mac-Williams is a playwright, poet, actor, dancer, jeweler, editor, educator, and an undergraduate student at Wesleyan University. She is a proud Chicago native. Her one-act, Good Strong Coffee, premiered at Chicago Dramatists through Pegasus Theater in winter 2018. She believes in sweet coffee, shooting stars, and helping youth to honor and share their personal narratives. Instagrams: @lunitadragon and @bylunawithlove. Issuu: @lunitadragon.

Harri Aburrow-Newman
Harri Aburrow-Newman is an English writer, artist, and science geek living on the East coast of Yorkshire, in a house filled with books, beasts, bright colors, and cacti. They like to hide in their loft and write poetry and queer, urban fantasy novels while looking out at the sea.

Dominic Ochapa
Poetry & Prose
Dominic Ochapa is a poet & storyteller based in Lagos, Nigeria. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communication from Bingham University. He started writing from a young age when his parents would buy him storybooks and he would thereafter try to create the stories via his own words. His poem "Dear mother Olije" was written to celebrate his mum and other women all over the world. He writes without boundaries and hopes to change the world for better with words.

Gwynneth Green
Artist & Author
Gwynneth Green is an artist who uses the camera and the written word. A published poet with
fifteen poetic publications and has been featured in exhibitions in the mid-Atlantic region as well as virtual ones. She has participated in ekphrastic collaborations with visual artists. Approaching the synergic nature of the word and the image fascinated her, her piqued interest encouraging her to wed her poems with her photographs. Her careful use of color and focus mimics imaginative prose as it guides viewers through the scene.
Gwynneth reconstructs each photo is to create a captivating visual that allows expression of the underlying feeling of the photo, including the addition of text in the form of haikus, 6-word poems or short poetic flows. These words are subtly melded into the photo allowing the viewer a moment of discovery when the narrative reveals itself.
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