Literary Journal

Our Contests & Open Calls
Make your selection and click "Pay Now" to purchase an entry to a contest or to pay for the entry fee of your submission. Then email your Word file to Ariels.Dream.Literature@gmail.com. You can add on a corresponding critique to each submission except for the Poetry Chapbook Contest.
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Ariel's Dream Literary Journal Print & Electronic Issues
For Your Convenience, Here are More Options
Purchase your copy of the upcoming print issue and/or electronic version today. We have several Digital Issues published that you can also purchase here. Pay via PayPal, PayPal Credit, or a Credit Card.
Purchase an Annual Print Subscription at an 18% Discount Today:
Regular price $72 at $18 per print issue, plus S/H at $3.99 each. Total: $87.96. Buy today for only $59.04 plus S/H and Save! For a total of $75, Ariel's Dream Literary Journal will be delivered to your home 4 times a year. Or purchase a 2-year subscription for only $150.
Purchase an Annual Digital Subscription at a 20% Discount Today:
Regular price $60 at $15 per issue. This is our quarterly digital issue. Other, interim, digital issues are not included. Buy today for only $48 and Save 20%! Ariel's Dream Literary Journal will be delivered to you in a PDF download format 4 times a year. Or purchase a 2-year subscription for only $96!
Please, fill in the amount, make your payment, and complete the corresponding form below.
Check out Ariel Publishing's website, our parent company. Ariel Publishing, LLC offers editorial services and publishing opportunities for longer works like novels, novellas, and collections of short stories. Ariel Publishing, LLC can handle the editing, production, distribution, and marketing of your next book in print. They also have a weekly challenge and publish some excellent work online.
Click to view other open submissions and submit your entries:
Click here to submit to Ariel Publishing, LLC via Submittable
Check out Ariel Publishing's new publication, Beautiful Words
Ariel Publishing, LLC offers editorial services on a wide range of works and publishing opportunities online for poetry, flash and micro-fiction, short creative nonfiction, and longer works serialized. It also offers a print publication for longer works like novels, novellas, and collections of short stories. Ariel Publishing can handle the editing, production, distribution, and marketing of your next book in print.
Click the button to go to the website and check out more submission opportunities and read Beautiful Words or browse below.
L.eX | Literary Excellence
Check out Ariel Publishing's new platform. Ariel Publishing, LLC offers editorial services and publishing opportunities for longer works like novels, novellas, and collections of short stories. Ariel Publishing, LLC can handle the editing, production, distribution, and marketing of your next book in print. You can now also join our online writing courses and workshops.
Click to view other open submissions and submit your entries or sign up for a class: