Literary Journal

10-Word Challenge
Use the following words, at least 8 out of the 10, and write a poem, short fiction, or creative nonfiction essay. The only requirement is that you use each word at least once. The theme can be anything. Your story can be any genre.
This week's words: 1. approximation 2. column 3. crazy 4. basin 5. chewable 6. adsorbable 7. hollowness 8. terrific
9. drifter 10. salt
Send your Word document to: Ariel.Publishing.LLC@gmail.com after making the $6 payment via email to the same email address. Include your transaction ID with your submission.
General Guidelines: Submit up to 2 poems or one flash, micro-fiction, or creative nonfiction piece, a maximum of 750 words.
Our previous Challenge Winners are below. Click the "Winning Story" button for each to read their work.