Literary Journal

Submission Guidelines
Please, follow directions to ensure that your submission is not declined without thorough consideration. We receive a lot of submissions and it takes time to check what genre your submission falls under, what is the title, does it meet the word count limits, etc. So Please include the information we request. Thank you!
We are looking for submissions, anything and everything about COVID-19 in poetry, micro-fiction, flash fiction, flash creative nonfiction, and art forms. Tell us how you feel. What are your hopes and fears during these uncertain times of this pandemic? Flash Fiction OR Creative Nonfiction General Guidelines: Submit one published or unpublished flash fiction or creative nonfiction piece, a maximum of 750 words, or up to three poems. Please format your submission double-spaced and include a word count.
At the beginning of your Word document, please add the title, the genre, word count, and the total page number. Include the title and date submitted in the name of the document. In the cover letter: In a separate file, include a cover letter with your bio. Confirm that this piece is unpublished or if it has been previously published, please include the information (name of journal or magazine and date of first publication) so we can properly credit the publisher if we accept your submission.
Submit via email Word attachment to Ariels.Dream.Journal@gmail.com
Please send your $5 submission via Paypal to Ariel.Publishing.LLC@gmail.com
Feedback: (for an additional $10 send three poems OR one Micro-Fiction OR CNF to receive feedback. Submit up to 500 words story, or up to 6 pages of poetry via email Word attachment to Ariels.Dream.Literature@gmail.com after making a $15 payment ($5 submission fee plus $10 for feedback) via Paypal to Ariel.Publishing.LLC@gmail.com)
For flash fiction up to 750 words, submit a $5 submission fee plus $12 for feedback ($17 total).
Selecting the feedback option for your submission does not guarantee your submission will be selected for publication, but it does guarantee a summary of insights and recommendations on your work. Specifically, feedback will include consideration of the following:
How does the narrative engage the reader?
What are the narrative’s strengths?
What are the narrative's weaknesses?
How is the technical aspect of the writing?
If you wish, you can submit multiple times in separate submissions. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify us if your piece was accepted elsewhere. There on no refunds.
Please, follow the instructions on the Submission page.
Additional guidelines:
At the beginning of your Word document, please add the title, the genre, word count, and the total page number. Include the title and date submitted in the name of the document. In the cover letter: Confirm that this piece is unpublished or if it has been previously published, please include the information (name of journal or magazine and date of first publication) so we can properly credit the publisher if we accept your submission.
Please format your submission double-spaced, 12 Times New Roman, and include a word count.
If you wish, you can submit multiple times in separate submissions. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify us if your piece was accepted elsewhere. There on no refunds.