Literary Journal

E. Izabelle Cassandra Alexander
Poet & Writer
E. Izabelle Cassandra Alexander writes short stories, creative nonfiction essays, flash fiction, plays, and poetry. She's also working on a few novels, a series of children's books, and illustrations. Her poetry & prose have been published in various literary journals and anthologies.
Several of her fiction, creative nonfiction essays, and poetry have been published in Spark Literary Journal, a print literary journal, in 2016, 2018, and 2019, and forthcoming in 2020, as well as by The Scarlet Leaf Review on their website in 2018 and in their March 2020 issue. By the Illinois State Poetry Society (ISPS) on their website in 2017, 2018, and in the ISPS print anthology, Distilled Lives, Volume 4, 2018. Also, in Yearning to Breathe Free, a print anthology by Moonstone Art Center, 2019. By WOW! Women on Writing, 2019-2021, in The Book Smuggler’s Den, 2019, by Tint Journal, 2020, in Ariel's Dream Literary Journal, 2020-2023, Unlimited Literature Magazine (UL-LitMag), 2020-2023, by Ariel Publishing in Beautiful Words, 2020-2023, in Pages & Spine, 2020, The Bookend Review, 2021, in L.eX | Literary Excellence, 2021 & 2023, and more.
Author/Critique Site:
Drowning Under Pressure
Flash Fiction
An eardrum-shattering screech fills the night as if the car cries out in pain. We whirl. We swirl. Then thumping sounds. Pieces of the star-speckled black sky mixing with darkened evergreen we passed on the left, driving, and the early November snow. A branch forces through the window and stings my arm like a porcupine. The scent of spruce attacks my nostrils...
Digital Issue 6