Literary Journal

E. Izabelle Cassandra Alexander
Poet & Writer
E. Izabelle Cassandra Alexander writes short stories, creative nonfiction essays, flash fiction, plays, and poetry. Also, she’s currently working on a few novels and a series of children’s books along with illustrations.
Several of her fiction, creative nonfiction essays, and poetry have been published in Spark Literary Journal, a print literary journal, in 2016, 2018, and 2019, and forthcoming in 2020, as well as by The Scarlet Leaf Review on their website in 2018 and in their March 2020 issue. By the Illinois State Poetry Society (ISPS) on their website in 2017, 2018, and in the ISPS print anthology, Distilled Lives, Volume 4, 2018. Also, in Yearning to Breathe Free, a print anthology by Moonstone Art Center, 2019. By WOW! Women on Writing, 2019-2021, in The Book Smuggler’s Den, 2019, by Tint Journal, 2020, in Ariel's Dream Literary Journal, 2020-2022, Unlimited Literature Magazine (UL-LitMag), 2020-2022, by Ariel Publishing in Beautiful Words, 2020-2022, in Pages & Spine, 2020, The Bookend Review, 2021, in L.eX | Literary Excellence, 2021 & 2022, and more.
She won Runner Up status with her flash fiction “Fragments of Bones” in a contest by WOW! Women on Writing in 2019, and with her creative nonfiction essay "Why I Hate Yellow Peas" in April 2020. An interview was published by WOW in The Muffin on January 14, 2020, and another one forthcoming in June. “Drowning Under Pressure” along with many other of her fiction and creative nonfiction essays received Honorable Mentions in contests by WOW! Women on Writing over the years.
You can find a full list of Izabelle's publications on her website:
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The Brooch on Bear Mountain
Flash Fiction
The car moves, slow. I try maneuvering to stay in my lane, widening the distance between me and the vehicle ahead. My palms sweaty, gripping the wheel. Muscles contracted, I slouch, pushing my hair out of my eyes...
Digital Issue 3