Walk barefoot
in summer grass
soaking each blade
into soft flesh
coolness and shape
imprints of tongues
on your heels
Tread among
singing birches
shedding papery
skin on the breeze
to what remains
echoes of music
lilting within you
the familiar unknown
the fragrance of eternity
in this thin place
heaven kisses earth
First published: Spring 2019 issue in The Avenue in print.

Elaine Wilburt’s fiction and poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Cresset, Little Patuxent Review, Route 7 Review, Heart of Flesh and Edify Fiction. She volunteers as a copy editor for Better Than Starbucks. A graduate of Middlebury College, she received a 2019 Creatrix Haiku Award and lives in Maryland with her husband and five children.
