Photo by Timothy Dykes
We’ve almost forgotten
the doctors and nurses.
The funerals.
The story we’ve made
is about us—our shopping,
our lack of goods.
Not being able to
hang out like
there’s no tomorrow.
Someone’s taken away
our pretense
and put a mask over it
so we mustn’t face
our freedom.
It’s a sad tale
that doesn’t include
the sufferings of others,
rose unfolding
whose thorns have
turned against the wind.
The Author
Among David Radavich’s recent poetry collections are companion epics, America Bound (2007) and America Abroad (2019), as well as Middle-East Mezze (2011) and The Countries We Live In (2014). His forthcoming book is Unter der Sonne/Under the Sun: German Poems from Deutscher Lyrik Verlag.

David Radavich