A light
Bright beautifully beckons him
Soaring, spilling, pulling him
Its tiny spears, piercing him
With her music
Her warm winter sunlight
To bask in
She flows through his fingers
She breaths for him
as his breath slows
She sings his song
as she would sing hers
She gives him rest
when rest is gone
He sees her stars
His thin breath starts to swell
As moonlight pours herself into him
Over his eyes, his lips
Running down his fingers
Holding him
She holds him
A peaceful hostage
Surrendering himself
To her
Resting over him
She appears
Dancing for her audience
Spilling her light into every cavern
Caressing the clouds with her long fingers
Illuminating his home, his hearth
Glowing over him
under him
in spite of his darkness
She reveals herself with patience
Her soldiers soaring through starlit battlefields
Where he, her civilian, survey
A witness to her ethereal beauty
A commander in her angelic army
He prays for her, to her
She is untouched, alone, at peace
Releasing herself from her own grasp
She floats in her sky
She kisses her stars
She falls into her ocean
Deeper and deeper
She falls
Through her earth
Into another world
Into her own.
The Author
Alison Grace Thornton was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. She had her first short story published at age 16. In her spare time when she is not writing, she enjoys horseback riding, acting, playing piano, and camping.

Alison Grace Thornton, West Hollywood, CA