Fighting COVID-19 by Lauren Leach-Steffens Like a war fought in some Baltic country; reading in the news that a couple thousand have died since yesterday, too many to have names You think, it is not my war; I cannot identify the fallen and all the effort, the vigilance, the sheltering seems so pointless as the war is fought in Chicago and New York -- until today -- the fallen in your town commemorated in printed pages.
The Author
Lauren Leach-Steffens Lauren Leach-Steffens is a writer of contemporary fantasy with sociology, psychology, and humor informing her work. Her work has earned Honorable Mention in 48th New Millennium Writing Awards, Runner up in Cook Publishing 2019 Short Story Contest, and Second place in 12 Stories 2019 Contest. Her work has been published in A3 Journal, by Riza Press (online) and Submittable Stories (online). When she’s not writing, she is an Associate Professor at a regional Midwestern university. She is married and is owned by four cats.