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A Thousand Words by Kathryn Sadakierski

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Photo by Mag Jerrard

A Thousand Words

Painted destinies,

A Rorschach test

Of emotions that zigzag precipitously,

Veering uncontrollably,

All different interpretations

Of dreams,

Imprinted on the soul,

Inkblots that look like moths and butterflies,

Telling us about who we are in what we see,

A haven, where we house

Our deepest truths and insecurities.

Our feet take us on different trails,

But somewhere, the complexities of the mind

Diverge and in the sketchings of the psyche on the page,

Our stories can connect.

Thousands of paper cranes,

Pictures saying a thousand words,

Sent off into a ceaseless galaxy,

The intricacy of fated stars.


The Author

Kathryn Sadakierski’s writing has appeared in ActiveMuse, Critical Read, DoveTales, Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing, Spillwords, The Decadent Review, The Voices Project, Visual Verse, Wax Poetry, and Art Magazine, and elsewhere. Her work is also forthcoming in Inkwell Literary Magazine, Origami Poems Project, and seashores: an international journal to share the spirit of haiku. She holds a B.A. from Bay Path University and is currently pursuing her master’s degree.

Kathryn Sadakierski

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