Literary Journal

Smith, Sinthia Steel
Sinthia Steel Smith is an emerging poet and writer. At an early age, she began writing and used poetry as an outlet to process her grief over injustice and emotional pain. When Sinthia finally realized she has a voice that could help others, she began submitting her work to literary journals and magazines. Aiming to bring light into the hidden things and expose despicable monsters who sometimes live nearer than you think. Her poem "Held Hostage" was published in Unlimited Literature Magazine’s first print issue (2020) and more of her work is forthcoming online and in print. Two of her poems were published by Ariel Chart International Literary Journal in December 2020. Several of her essays and flash fiction have been chosen as a finalist in numerous contests over the last few years. To help her continue her writing, please support Sinthia on Patreon at